Friday, June 22, 2012

Relaxing weekend

Well, life, as normal right now has been very tiring. I have been keeping track of gifts on and off and I will need to catch up with them on here.
A couple of weeks ago I went away with my teen girls to a family of the church's camp. I wrote down a few gifts:
~Birds singing early in the morning.
~Peaceful lake.
~That I could come (work schedule).
~The warmth of summer!
~Cinnamon buns one of the girls made while I read God's Word.
~Laughter and cheers to a game of dutch blitz as I fall asleep.
~ "Your baby is the size of an avocado right? I love avocados. Not that I want to eat your baby."
~Rest for my feet and legs.
~My head feeling mostly normal after a week of headaches.
~The generosity of friends to share their camp so we can have this weekend.
~ Fresh buds blooming.
~ French pressed coffee.

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